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Welcome in Obiterdictum, in the sciences café

The sciences café 

Welcome, dear reader, in this little webpage where Mimile presents several relevant books and documents.
The proposed books are original creations. Then, they are free of any copyright material, and you may use their content as you like within a private context, insofar as the moral rights of the author are preserved.
Conversely, the material resorted to as regards the Power Point presentation involves numerous extracts (for teaching purposes) that shouldn't be used without prior all due legal agreements with their respective authors.

A] Several books available for the reader 

Title of the book
 or of the document
Comments about the document Covers Corpus of the document
Etienne Gaviot, Eléments Phil-Entropiques

Eléments Phil-Entropiques

Cet ouvrage, rédigé à l'attention des ingénieurs,
propose une introduction à la thermodynamique.
L'accent est mis sur l'importance du concept de
grandeurs physiques conjuguées aux énergies.

Le cours correspondant a été présenté à l'ENSIM,
de 2009 à Actuellement.

Download the cover


Download the 4th cover


Download Phil-entropiques

The book involves
[125 pages]
Etienne Gaviot, Introduction au Droit de la Propriété Industrielle

Introduction au Droit de la Propriété Industrielle

Cet ouvrage, destiné aux ingénieurs et aux scientifiques,
 a pour but de présenter les différents aspects touchant
à la protection des créations, tant sur le plan des droits moraux, que sur celui des droits patrimoniaux.

Les cours associés à l'ouvrage ont été présentés :
à l'ENSIM, de 1999 à Actuellement,
et à l'Université d'Artois, de 2002 à Actuellement.

Download the cover


Download the 4th cover


Download Res-incorporales

The book involves
[150 pages]
 Power point Presentation
Etienne Gaviot, The Intellectual Property Rights

The Intellectual Property Rights

Invited conference proposed within the Erasmus Mundus frame
in 2009 and 2011
Without point Conference in English language  

Download The-IP-System


B] Qualitative data regarding
official bla-blas :-)

Extended CV according to classical rules within the academic world

Vanitas Vanitatem..

Download Extended CV

Summary of the research papers and works considered in the academeic world 

Et Omnia Vanits
Global Notice  

Download papers and realizations

Notice globale

C] A little bit of typical french bullshit with our blessed national institutions    ...LOL !...

...The CNU 63
Punch and Judy Show (Universities National Commission, IEEE-like)...
Would you believe such an irrelevance within an a priori respectable institution ?...
If a slight doubt would remain, here you may consider what so-called pundits posit as they peruse on the annual scientific production of Mimile... despite significant contribution in terms of papers and patents, such expert never amend their notification nor give any kind of justification... So blissfull is life, isn't it ?
Indeed, each year a synthesis is required from researchers, so as to assess their value in light of the high-spirit of our (not so dear) former government... Here the reader may compare the respective jugments produced by the CNU63 (with all conscience or mood ?) with regard to 2010, 2011, and 2012...  That may be simply summed up as, the more your scientific contribution the worst a researcher you are ! Then, in France, better to go fishing or to gather mushrooms than slaving away in the lab...

Obiter Dictum...
One may notice, as regard official reports, the a posteriori paste of the
numerical signature (in a separate image), showing clearly the lack of personal involvement and responsability in the process... A great lecture on attention and french humanism...

Here are official pieces, ô dear reader whose curiosity I do foster (Sorry..., CNU don't write in English)...
Report from the doct pundits
of the CNU 63
Report CNU 63  2010  

Read : Avis-2010

Report CNU 63  2011  

Read : Avis-2011

Report CNU 63  2012  

Read : Avis-2012

My comments to such
clever people...
No comment... Calm Sea... ;-) Indignation... Rough Sea  :-D

Read ; Freedom-to-blame

...Vanitas Vanitatum, et Omnia Vanitas...

Is there a moral in such a case ?...
Indeed, as is highlighted in my 2012 comment, considering what is to be duly returned to Cesar (especially if that belongs to Jules) and the mere fact that the goal of many a CNU member is to add up a special lign on their own report.., one shall fathom about this quite easier and faster way to be promoted amid the very dedicated institution (sic)...

Mimile's Dissenting Opinion
Then, something is rotten in the CNU realm, and Mimile wouldn't in any case caution such disputable practices nor encourage their irrelevant actors. In this scope, one should consider the absurd racing as regard the ever increasing number of PhD supervising required nowadays, and the entailed lack of consideration for the involved students: this is a real shame since any truthful supervisor has to bring a daily sharp and genuine attention with the PhD-students he is in charge of, considering there the definite risk of trading quality against quantity...

Dont Acte...

Work in progress

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Version :  31 july 2012  18h30
...Work in progress...
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