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Welcome in Obiterdictum with The Mimiles's Progress Gallery, Honni Soit Qui Mal Y Pense

The Mimile's Work in Progress Gallery

Introduction to the Progress Gallery

Here are in this place several metaphorical elements regarding the impermanence of things smiling against the perennial human codition... There, here again, ô dear reader, you may consider no work nor repair to be undertaken although they are everywhere as such on the pictures... You just have to gaze at one of the proposed twenty pieces, without any given order to be followed: then, with a little bit of meditation together with a great deal of smiling derision, you may consider trying to mind conscientiously any prospective question infered from such a given picture... Then, it may help to just remember a sharp sunbeam in a clear warm summer morning...

Anyway, although such works seem to remain ever unfinished, as over and over says Lao Tzu: You do nothing yet it gets done...

Have a good trip, ô dear reader !

Tableau Visualisation Commentaire
1 Obiterdictum, Progress Gallery, Mots d'Amour, Honni Soit Qui Mal Y Pense


Download Loving Words

Loving Words

...Under the influence of Words... Who can choose his right fetters ?
If you break loose with Wrath, then you are one of Anger's slaves,
If you are chained up with love, then you are its definite prisonner...
But with You, now, What are your own words, and where do they travel ?
2 Obiterdictum, Progress Gallery, Take my Words, Croyez-moi!, Honni Soit Qui Mal Y Pense


Download Take my Word !

Believe me !

...Within Silence, a single word may bring Trouble...
Then, if I do utter it, is it intended to please you,
or to get you seeing me differently ?
Anyway, entrust me as I assert I'm kinder than a green-grand-mother...
3 Obiterdictum, Progress Gallery, Mon cher Maître, Dear Master, Honni Soit Qui Mal Y Pense


Download Dear Master

So dear Master

...Thanks to You, I'm still with a word to laugh at,
As you may see, your so valuable advices have fostered inside me
a prodigious mind, all proped up on Excellence. Hanging from success
I may contemplate in all serenity the fuits of the results' culture
all that based on Intensive Fruit Farming...
4 Obiterdictum, Progress Gallery, La ceinture Rouge, The Red Belt, Honni Soit Qui Mal Y Pense


Download The red Belt

About Clothing Colour...

There is both time and place for everything...
Do you remember your doubts about the right colour of your clothes ?
Such questions naturally melt, as your body, your heart, then
your mind, may find they right balance and place...

Anyway don't seek my other clothes since they are
under my feet, still within the washing machine drum...
5 Obiterdictum, Progress Gallery, Silence, Honni Soit Qui Mal Y Pense


Download Silence

As Sterling silver are words, Golden is Silence

...There is something rotten in the realm of the words,
as Anyone rambles Anything to get money from Anybody...
Then, just appreciating the right price of Silence
should be more than convenient...

With no more than zero word, then I shall stay silent as a tomb...
6 Obiterdictum, Progress Gallery, Not a Word higher than the other, Pas un mot plus haut que l'autre


Download Not a word Higher than the Other

Never a word Higher than an Other

...Take my word, and I carefully weight my words !
Whatever the circumstance, the right word should be suiting...
If you manage to arrange words with no one higher than the other,
then your page will never overflow out of my great book...
7 Obiterdictum, Progress Gallery, Breaking Loose, Enchaîné Déchaîné


Download Breaking loose

Unfettering against Chaining up

Does a dictionnary account of as much quiet silences as enlightened words ?
While a deftly hand-picked silence may break the thickest chain,
So close to my tomb, it feels so good to sleep...

...With big words, great empty worlds...
8 Obiterdictum, Progress Gallery, What is Future, Honni Soit Qui Mal Y Pense


Download Future

How to define Future

Only prevails Present time... Born from Past, open door to Future,
Only the Now may engender your Yesterday and coin the Tomorrow
you would pick and choose... Anyway, Why are you Here, Now ?
Do you remember the deep sorrow that brought you there ?
9 Obiterdictum, Progress Gallery, Nanosweet Office, Honni Soit Qui Mal Y Pense


Download Nanosweet Office

Irrefutable Nanosweet Office

Who shall grumble against his computing contraption as it get bogged down ?
Consider, nowadays with generically modified words,
you even see their fruits growing in some sort of knowledge trees...

...Soon shall come Demanding Harvest Times...
10 Obiterdictum, Progress Gallery, Soleil Levant, Rising Sun


Download Rising Sun

Facing the Rising Sun

...As the saying goes, each of us has to carry his own cross...
However, if one of us may contemplate a rising Sun,
Then the time is not still the one for him to get on the cross...
But..., as here on this picture, even so...
11 Obiterdictum, Progress Gallery, Despite Unmoving walls, Moving the walls, Pousser les murs


Download Moving the walls

Despite unmoving walls...

One should wonder about the weight of the words
and the shock of photographs...
Then, who would really like to push on such an univiting wall ?
However, as blocks remain still, so weird ideas arise in some minds...
And all that fuss facing the innocent frozen exposure of this pious picture...
12 Obiterdictum, Progress Gallery, Chers amis, Honni Soit Qui Mal Y Pense


Download Dear Friends

Dear friends, everything is OK

...Not that talkative as you know me, I have to reassure you
after my so long silent period... As you may see, my work,
although unfinished, gave birth to juicy fruits... Now lifted up
to the Excellence, I fall short of words to describe my
irresistible ascent to Perfection...

Don't forget Lao Tzu , ô dear Reader !

"Who knows doesn't tell:
Who tells doesn't know... "
13 Obiterdictum, Progress Gallery, Brillance, Honni Soit Qui Mal Y Pense


Download Brilliance

About Brilliance

...Second rate people working for mean governances claim
harsh indictments so to feed the ruthless beast...
Despite their inane fuss, both Brilliance and Excellence
only need to be watered with the lights of Freedom...

Anyway, Mediocrity will allway be grieved by Creativity...

...Think about it Dear Reader... 
14 Obiterdictum, Progress Gallery, Serrer la ceinture, Squeezing the Red Belt


Download Squeezing the Belt


Squeezing one's Belt

Whatever its colour, it may occur that squeezing one's belt
doesn't bring anything more... Just taking naturally
what is kindly offered, and being satisfied with it,
stands as the wisest attitude... The best use of
the Heaven keys doesn't systematically requires
to queue up before the foot of the holy cross...

...A time for everything and everything at a time... 
15 Obiterdictum, Progress Gallery, L'Agent Dormant, Honni Soit Qui Mal Y Pense


Download Sleeping Agent


Join the service as a Sleeping Agent !

...Hiring on a valuable Job...
The applicant must garanty high qualities in Excellence
as regard patience and stealthiness...
A limited appetite and a strong abstinence from any kind
of dissolute living will be highly appreciated...
Salary calculated from the percentage on the results...

...A job for everybody or every body one's playful job... 
16 Obiterdictum, Progress Gallery, Sérénité, Honni Soit Qui Mal Y Pense


Download Serenity


Short lecture on Serenity

...How much is it pleasurable to no longer wait for anything,
to welcome the song of the first raining, wearing nothing, alleviated
from the weight of the Seculary life, out of grasp of the Regulary life...
But You, now, What are you expecting from me ?

...A time for me, then, a time for you (perhaps :-)... 
17 Obiterdictum, Progress Gallery, Vos Outils Préférés, Honni Soit Qui Mal Y Pense


Download Prefered Tools


What are Your prefered Tools ?

...Numerous chores are facilitated thanks to apt tools,
while any task to be achieved defines the shape of the tool...
Paradoxically, the tool for Making Nothing, seems rather intricate...
But You, ô Reader so keen on doing-it-yourself, How would you use
the instrument depicted on this so pious photograph ?

...For a given tool its function, and for each way a path... 
18 Obiterdictum, Progress Gallery, L'Excellence, Honni Soit Qui Mal Y Pense


Download Excellence


About Excellence

...What are intended to provide Excellence Schools ?...
Perhaps, at the best, to duly serve a given Technology,
but at worse, only to unduly supply Second-rate people...
Alas! Too often Excellence goes on as an empty shell
presented upon a cracked saucer...

...Mind the colour of your dinner Service... 
19 Obiterdictum, Progress Gallery, Travaux Spirituels en cours, Honni Soit Qui Mal Y Pense


Download Spirtual Work


Short Lecture on Spiritual Achievements

...How great is it to lie peacefully beside a sunny wall,
even so a silent misleading shadow may lie behind, as a background task...
Anyway, for You, Would you mind my real way tonight, at sunset ?
...Maybe you will never notice me with my camouflage jacket !

...If you won't cavort naked, get apt clothing in the right place... 
20 Obiterdictum, Progress Gallery, Travaux Inachevés, Honni Soit Qui Mal Y Pense


Download Unfinished Works


For ever Unfinished Works

...Despite strongest wills, most adamant flexibilities,
sophisticated tools in profusion, the sweetness of the firms world,
the so exquisite delicacy of Human Resources Services,
for ever, there still will be Unfinished Works...
Here, some people mention Communication Issues,
...but that's only Hearsay...

...And so what are you up to do now ?... 
...20 pieces...

Work in progress

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Version:  27 august 2012, 10h30
...Work in progress...
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